Seminar: LAND | June 2019
Seminar: LAND delegates visiting Silent Messengers at Oerol 2019. Photo: Kees Lesuis
The LAND seminar offered a range of talks, workshops and excursions during the Oerol 2019 festival on the island of Terschelling, Netherlands. The purpose of this seminar was firstly to share, discuss and discover forms of cooperation and ways of creating art in the landscape and secondly provide the opportunity to strengthen existing and forge new relationships across the LAND network.
The group of 34 arts producers, artists, land stewards and cultural operators came together for two days to assess how we are working in the landscape across Europe and how we would like it to be. The seminar focussed on addressing three core questions:
- What have we achieved in the LAND project?
- How do we achieve the most meaningful and sustaining dialogue between art/artists - nature/stewards - audience/participants/users and also the role of science in this dialogue?
- What are the common questions/challenges: shared interests, result or future perspectives across Europe and a wider global concern?
The seminar addressed these questions through:
- presentations by invited speakers including Howard Davies, Chief Executive at the National Association of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, UK; Jori Wolf, Landscape Historian and Strategic Advisor National Parks at Staatsbosbeheer, Netherlands and Maud Le Floch, Director of le POLAU, France.
- excursions and visits within the Oerol Festival including the three LAND projects.
- working discussions facilitated by Fanny Bordier, an independent French producer who specialises in designing professional meetings and collaborative workshops.
‘My trip to Oerol has given me an ambition to work at a bigger scale than I have done in the past in terms of the scale of networks and the reach of our work. The artistic happenings we saw at Oerol, together with the examples shared by artsis and land managers during the seminar sessions, has been an invaluable ‘directory’ of ideas and case studies to draw on.’ Sue Dampney, Dorset AONB, UK
‘I took part in the seminar at Terschelling where I’ve met people outside of my everyday work circle. To be able to think and discuss things with environmental organisations and their representatives helped me to build new relationships that can be a foundation of the future collaborative work.’ Ambrus Ivanyos, Artist, Hungary
‘I feel very privileged to have been able to attend the seminar. It was inspiring, thought provoking and reignited the urge to do more ambitious things to make change happen faster and better than before.’ Tom Clarke, National Trust, UK
Workt title: Seminar: LAND
Year: June 2019
Country: NL
Type: Seminar
Seminar: LAND | Jori Wolf presentation | Photo by Kees Lesuis
Seminar: LAND | festival site visits at Oerol 2019 | Photo by Fanny Bordier
Seminar: LAND | delegates visting Land Zonder Dijk at Oerol 2019 | Photo by Kees Lesuis
Seminar: LAND | delegates festival presentation site visits Oerol 2019 | Photo by Kees Lesuis