LAND Responses: professional impacts and legacy

For our series of LAND Responses we asked participants how LAND had impacted them as artists, individuals and/or their organisations in relation to our projects aims, outcomes and benefits.

In this edition, we look at how LAND has developed professional skills, abilities, ambition and confidence, which in turn impacted artistic work and/or organisations focus. Here is selection of responses:

‘I have a new energy to work with our local arts organisations and to help other AONBs to develop these relationships and artistic experiences too.’
– Dorset AONB, Land Steward (UK)

‘Working within the natural landscape always presents new challenges that varies from project to project. In this instance the scale of the festival and [number] of visitors that we had to calculate with was extreme, we never had to design something for a crowd this huge …therefore there was a lot to learn on how to approach a project under these circumstances.’
Daniel Laszlo Balo (professor, Studio B, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest)

‘LAND programme has made me more far aware of this notion of ‘Land-Stewardship’ and how we are all custodians of landscape. I now feel empowered to be a ‘land steward’ despite barely owning my garden. It has worth and is deeply important we take joint ownership of these spaces, and culture can help us do that. It’s also been really empowering to feel I possess some kind of expertise in this area’
– Lorna Rees, Artist (UK)

‘In short it helped us the sharpen our ideas for future plans on landscape arts, reacting to the climate challenges, and devise our collaboration with land stewards better. The LAND Seminar improved our collaborations with land stewards Staatsbosbeheer and we are now working on a 4 year plan. It inspired us to position Oerol better as a European inspiring organisation for making meaningful art in an equal collaboration between artist, scientist and public organisations’.’
– Oerol, Project Partner (NL)

‘Although our work is always inspired by nature and landscape we never had the opportunity to create an outdoor installation… the LAND program gave us the opportunity to make an installation on a much larger scale than we’ve ever made before… gave us the opportunity to focus FROM a natural landscape instead of focussing ON a natural landscape from the outside.’
Maarten Kolk & Guss Kusters, Artists (NL)

‘an opportunity to work with international partners, each with its specific qualities and its own way to work with the Land stewards due to different countries specificities. Because of the collaboration with other partners, we discovered different kind of partnership that can linked the creative sector to the LAND stewards and make them work together in an efficient way.’
Le Citron Jaune, Project Partner. (FR)

‘really helpful spending time with key stakeholders and experts on site and having subsequent time to reflecting on the atmosphere of the place has helped our project to be site responsive and hopefully more nuanced as a result.’ – Red Herring, Artists (UK)

‘[LAND Seminar] … was inspiring, thought provoking and reignited the urge to do more ambitious things to make change happen faster and better than before.’
Tom Clarke, Land Steward (UK)