The UK company And Now: (Mandy Dike and Ben Rigby) build incredible architectures, cabins, labyrinths … with materials collected on the spot. And Now: are visual artists, musicians and also fireworks. Their installations, which are deployed in vast natural spaces call on all of their knowledge and are part of a triple temporality: writing, installation and final performance they call “Resolution”.
During their residency hosted by Le Citron Jaune, with land steward Domaine de la Palissade, the two artists chose the Clos d’Argent trail to build an unusual and interactive structure made of driftwood, reeds and other vernacular materials. For the installation, faithful to their creative process, the two artists stay on the site for three weeks: ten days of construction, a week of opening and interaction with the public and a day / evening for the final performance called the Resolution. This intense ceremonial moment invited the public to a festive gathering involving dance, music and pyrotechnics, with local participants / volunteers included in the procession and activity.
Les Envies Rhônements is a traveling festival that brings together culture, art and environment in the Rhône delta. Produced by Le Citron Jaune,National Center for Street Art and Public Space, the festival has grown over the last 10 years, evolving in 2019 to its new programming format of events across the year and re-named to Art en Paysage (Arts in the Landscape). The festival still retains its core desire to question the inscription of arts in the territory and to take into account the social and environmental elements of the territory. In the Camargue where ecological issues are very present, the environment has become a field of research and complementary and dynamic actions. Free demonstration, nomadic, it finds its accuracy and its singularity by crossing art and science, nature and culture.